The Scribbler

Thank you for stopping by and sharing a piece of time with me and my words! I am simply a girl who scribbles the remnant thoughts that ripple from the musings of those wiser than myself. What gift I have is of God and it is an honor to serve Him. This blog is one of my biggest braves, so I thank you for your stopping by.
May He, by my humble words bless you, help you on your way, and bring you a little beauty, hope or food for thought.
-Karly A. Smith-

the small things I enjoy:

writing, old books and their smells, fresh air, the way the paint moves across canvas beneath my brush, reading, old things (antiques--inkwells, houses and the like), quotes from the wiser or wittier, earth beneath my fingers, sunrises, vulnerable honesty between friends, kind words, kayaking, natural light, teaching, graphic design, chocolate, typography, bread, Myst PC games, cooking and baking, doodling, many BBC mini series, Jarlsburg cheese, neat towns full of history, did I say books?, lavender, most shades of blue, wildflowers, pressing leaves, tea with honey, child-like wonder

(it is a bit excessive, I know, but I want to find something in common with you. so I tried to shine light in many corners, and found that joy resides in many places He gives)