May 22, 2014


Five Minute Friday CLOSE

"Wherever we are, God is here...Ten million intelligences standing at as many points in space and separated by incomprehensible distances can each one say with equal truth, God is here..." A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

He goes on to talk about how we are unaware of His presence, though "where can I go from your Spirit?" (Psalm 139). Manifestation of presence, awareness of Him follows obedience, Tozer tells us. I agree.

My distance is really a numbness caused by my own sin. Surrender of pride, repentance of sin, these are the ways to erase that imaginary distance.

Isaiah 30:15 tumbled into my lap last week:

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
“In returning(repentence) and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”

I need to lean in close, lean in quiet, lean in humble. 
Because I need Him close. 
Ever so much.


  1. Loved this, needed this, "My distance is really a numbness caused by my own sin. Surrender of pride, repentance of sin, these are the ways to erase that imaginary distance." And that Isaiah verse is a favorite too.

    1. I am glad He was among my words. thank you for your words.

  2. Ahh, this "My distance is really a numbness caused by my own sin. Surrender of pride, repentance of sin, these are the ways to erase that imaginary distance." I love your words. Stopping over from FMF. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. it is funny how the words you least expect find echoes in others hearts. thank you for your words.

  3. Stopping in from FMF....Thank you for this: "I need to lean in close, lean in quiet, lean in humble. Because I need Him close. Ever so much." I've been too busy recently that I've forgotten the importance of leaning in close and especially leaning in quiet. Keep the "remnants" coming; I love your writings!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your words mean so much.

  4. Beautiful sentiments and reminders.. I appreciate the quote and the scriptures.

  5. Lovely... Happy Friday Scribbler. =-D
